
All Terms

  1. !important
  2. .gitignore
  3. .htaccess
  4. .htpasswd
  5. .NET
  6. .NET Framework
  7. /dev/null
  8. /now page
  9. /uses page
  10. 1 Percent Rule
  11. 100
  12. 101
  13. 102
  14. 109
  15. 110
  16. 11ty
  17. 143
  18. 1NF
  19. 1–9–90 Rule
  20. 20
  21. 200
  22. 201
  23. 202
  24. 203
  25. 204
  26. 205
  27. 206
  28. 207
  29. 21
  30. 22
  31. 220
  32. 226
  33. 23
  34. 25
  35. 2FA
  36. 2NF
  37. 300
  38. 301
  39. 302
  40. 303
  41. 304
  42. 305
  43. 306
  44. 307
  45. 308
  46. 389
  47. 3DML
  48. 3NF
  49. 3P
  50. 400
  51. 401
  52. 403
  53. 404
  54. 405
  55. 406
  56. 407
  57. 408
  58. 409
  59. 410
  60. 411
  61. 412
  62. 413
  63. 414
  64. 415
  65. 416
  66. 417
  67. 418
  68. 421
  69. 422
  70. 423
  71. 424
  72. 425
  73. 426
  74. 428
  75. 429
  76. 431
  77. 443
  78. 451
  79. 500
  80. 501
  81. 502
  82. 503
  83. 504
  84. 505
  85. 507
  86. 511
  87. 53
  88. 70
  89. 79
  90. 8.3
  91. 80
  92. 80/20 Rule
  93. 8008
  94. 8080
  95. 8443
  96. 88
  97. 90/90 Rule
  98. 992
  99. 993
  100. 995
  101. A
  102. A List Apart
  103. A/B testing
  104. A11Y
  105. AAA
  106. AAAA
  107. Ableism
  108. Above the fold
  109. Absolute domain name
  110. Abstract data type
  111. Abstraction
  112. Accelerated Mobile Pages
  113. Accept-CH
  114. Acceptance criteria
  115. Acceptance test-driven development
  116. Acceptance testing
  117. Access control
  118. Access Control List
  119. Access key
  120. Access logs
  121. Access token
  122. Accessibility
  123. Accessibility Conformance Report
  124. Accessibility Conformance Testing
  125. Accessibility decay
  126. Accessibility Maturity Model
  127. Accessibility Object Model
  128. Accessibility Toolkit
  129. Accessibility tree
  130. Accessible Rich Internet Applications
  131. ACE
  132. ACID
  133. Acid tests
  134. ACK
  135. ACL
  136. ACM
  137. Acq-hiring
  138. Acqui-hiring
  139. ACR
  140. ACSS
  141. ACT
  142. Action item
  143. ActionScript
  144. Active monitoring
  145. Active redundancy
  146. Active Server Pages
  147. Active Users
  148. ActiveX
  149. Activity Streams
  150. ActivityPub
  151. Actual value
  152. Adaptive
  153. Adaptive loading
  154. Adaptive technology
  155. ADC
  156. Addon
  157. Address Resolution Protocol
  158. Adobe ColdFusion
  159. Adobe Dreamweaver
  160. Adobe Flash
  161. Adobe Photoshop
  162. ADR
  163. ads.txt
  164. ADT
  165. Advanced Encryption Standard
  166. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
  167. Advanced Package Tool
  168. Advanced Perceptual Contrast Algorithm
  169. Advanced Persistent Threat
  170. ADX
  171. AEO
  172. AES
  173. Afferent coupling
  174. Affordance
  175. Agile
  176. Agile Manifesto
  177. Agile Release Train
  178. AHAH
  179. AIC triad
  180. AirMosaic
  181. AJAX
  182. AKM
  183. ALA
  184. Alerting
  185. Alertmanager
  186. ALGOL
  187. Algorithm
  188. Algorithmic Language
  189. Aliasing
  190. Almost-standards mode
  191. Almost-strict mode
  192. Alpha blending
  193. Alpha compositing
  194. ALPN
  195. Alt root
  196. Alternate style sheet
  197. Alternative DNS root
  198. Amaya
  199. Amazon Resource Name
  200. Amazon Route 53
  201. Amazon S3
  202. Amazon Silk
  203. Amazon Simple Queue Service
  204. Amazon Simple Storage Service
  205. Amazon SQS
  206. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
  207. Amazon VPC
  208. Amazon Web Services
  209. Ambient declaration
  210. AMD
  211. Amdahl’s Law
  212. American National Standards Institute
  213. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  214. AMP
  215. AMQP
  216. Analytics
  217. Anchor
  218. Angular
  219. AngularJS
  220. Animation
  221. Anonymous block box
  222. Anonymous block element
  223. Anonymous function
  224. Anonymous inline box
  225. Anonymous inline element
  226. Anonymous text
  227. ANSI
  228. Anti-aliasing
  229. Anti-pattern
  230. AOM
  231. AOMedia Video 1
  232. AOP
  233. Apache
  234. Apache CloudStack
  235. Apache Groovy
  236. Apache HTTP Server
  237. Apache Maven
  238. Apache Subversion
  239. Apache Tomcat
  240. Apache Weex
  241. APCA
  242. API
  243. API evangelism
  244. API gateway
  245. Apollo
  246. Apollo Graph
  247. Apollo GraphQL
  248. App
  249. App shell
  250. Apple Safari
  251. Apple Universal Access
  252. Applet
  253. Applicant tracking system
  254. Application
  255. Application context
  256. Application Default Credentials
  257. Application programming interface
  258. Application Security Verification Standard
  259. Application shell
  260. Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation
  261. APT
  262. AR
  263. Arbitrary code execution
  264. Arc
  265. Architectural knowledge management
  266. Architecture Decision Record
  267. Arena
  268. Argument
  269. ARIA
  270. ARIA roles
  271. Arity
  272. ARN
  273. ARP
  274. Arrange, act, assert
  275. Array
  276. Arrow function
  277. ART
  278. ASCII
  279. ASI
  280. asm.js
  281. ASP
  282. ASP.NET
  283. Aspect ratio
  284. Aspect-oriented programming
  285. AssemblyScript
  286. Assignment
  287. Assistive technology
  288. Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
  289. Association for Computing Machinery
  290. Astro
  291. ASVS
  292. Asynchronous
  293. Asynchronous HTML and HTTP
  294. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  295. Asynchronous Module Definition
  296. AT
  297. at
  298. AT Protocol
  299. at-keyword
  300. at-rule
  301. AT-SPI
  302. ATAG
  303. ATDD
  304. ATK
  305. Atlassian Bitbucket
  306. Atlassian Jira
  307. Atom
  308. Atomic CSS
  309. Atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
  310. ATS
  311. Attribute
  312. Attribute minimization
  313. Audit log
  314. Audit trail
  315. Augmented reality
  316. Authenticated Data Experiment
  317. Authenticated Transfer Protocol
  318. Authentication
  319. Authoring tool
  320. Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
  321. Authorization
  322. Auto Forms Mode
  323. Automagic
  324. Automatic semicolon insertion
  325. Automation
  326. Automation blindness
  327. Autonomous custom element
  328. AV1
  329. AV1 Image File Format
  330. Availability Zone
  331. AVIF
  332. Away team
  333. Awesome list
  334. AWK
  335. AWS
  336. axe
  337. AZ
  338. Azure
  339. BA
  340. Babel
  341. Back/forward cache
  342. Backend
  343. Backend for Frontend
  344. Backlink
  345. Backup
  346. Backup redundancy
  347. Backward-compatibility
  348. Bad neighborhood
  349. Bada
  350. Bandwidth
  351. Banner
  352. Bar
  353. Barrel file
  354. Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung
  355. Base64
  356. Baseline
  357. Bash
  358. Basic access authentication
  359. Basic Multilingual Plane
  360. Basilisk
  361. BAU
  362. Baud
  363. Bazaar
  364. BBCode
  365. BCP
  366. BDD
  367. Bearer
  368. Bearer authentication
  369. Bearer token
  370. Behavior
  371. Behavior-driven development
  372. Below the fold
  373. BEM
  374. Benchmark
  375. Best Current Practice
  376. Best practice
  377. Between-groups design
  378. Between-subjects design
  379. BFC
  380. BFCache
  381. BFF
  382. BFS
  383. BGP
  384. BHO
  385. Bidi
  386. Bidi algorithm
  387. Bidi isolation
  388. Bidirectional
  389. Bidirectional isolation
  390. Big Bang
  391. Big data
  392. Big integer
  393. Big O notation
  394. Binary chop
  395. Binary compatibility
  396. Binary large object
  397. Binary metric
  398. Binary number
  399. Binary search algorithm
  400. Binary tree
  401. Binary-code compatibility
  402. Binding
  403. Birthday attack
  404. Birthday problem
  405. Bit blit
  406. Bit block transfer
  407. Bit bucket
  408. Bit manipulation
  409. BitBLT
  410. Bitbucket
  411. Bitmap
  412. BITV
  413. Black hat
  414. Black hole
  415. Black mode
  416. Black-box testing
  417. Blacklist
  418. Blink
  419. Blisk
  420. Blitting
  421. Blob
  422. Block
  423. Block box
  424. Block cipher
  425. Block container
  426. Block container box
  427. Block container element
  428. Block element
  429. Block Element Modifier
  430. Block flow
  431. Block formatting context
  432. Block-level box
  433. Block-level element
  434. Blockification
  435. Blog
  436. Blogging
  437. Blogosphere
  438. Bloom filter
  439. BMP
  440. BOM
  441. Bookmark
  442. Bookmark icon
  443. Bookmarklet
  444. Boolean
  445. Bootstrap
  446. Border
  447. Border Gateway Protocol
  448. Bottom-posting
  449. Bottom–up design
  450. Bounce rate
  451. Bound variable
  452. Boundary value problem
  453. Bounding box
  454. Bourne shell
  455. Bower
  456. Box
  457. Box model
  458. Box model hack
  459. Boyscout Rule
  460. BPEL
  461. Bracket notation
  462. Braille (⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑)
  463. Branch
  464. Branch coverage
  465. Branch predication
  466. Branching
  467. BREAD
  468. Breadcrumb
  469. Breadth-first search
  470. Breakpoint
  471. Breezy
  472. Brewer’s Theorem
  473. Bring Your Own License
  474. Broken link
  475. Brotli
  476. Browse mode
  477. Browse, read, edit, add, delete
  478. Browser
  479. Browser detection
  480. Browser engine
  481. Browser extension
  482. Browser Helper Object
  483. Browser sniffing
  484. Browser testing
  485. Browser War
  486. Browsing
  487. Browsing context
  488. BTR
  489. Buffer
  490. Bug
  491. Bug tracking system
  492. Bugfix
  493. Bugzilla
  494. Build verification test
  495. Build-time render
  496. Bulletin Board Code
  497. Bulma
  498. Bun
  499. Bundled HTTP Exchanges
  500. Bundling
  501. Bus factor
  502. Bushnell’s Law
  503. Business as usual
  504. Business Process Execution Language
  505. BVT
  506. BYOL
  507. Byte order mark
  508. Bytecode
  509. Bézier curve
  510. C2PA
  511. CA
  512. Cache
  513. Cache busting
  514. Cache eviction
  515. Cache partitioning
  516. Cache poisoning
  517. Cache timing attack
  518. CAI
  519. California Consumer Privacy Act
  520. Call by need
  521. Call by value
  522. Call stack
  523. Call to action
  524. Callback
  525. Callback queue
  526. Camel case
  527. Camino
  528. Canary
  529. Candidate Recommendation
  530. Cannibalization
  531. Canonical equivalence
  532. Canonical link
  533. Canonical Name
  534. Canvas
  535. CAP Theorem
  536. CAPTCHA
  537. Card sorting
  538. Cardinality explosion
  539. Caret
  540. Caret browsing
  541. Caret navigation
  542. Carousel
  543. Cart
  544. Cascade
  545. Cascading HTML Style Sheets
  546. Cascading Style Sheets
  547. Case
  548. Case folding
  549. Case mapping
  550. catch
  551. CBD
  552. CBSE
  553. CC/PP
  554. CCPA
  555. CCT
  556. ccTLD
  557. CD
  558. CDATA
  559. CDN
  560. CDP
  561. CDUI
  562. CERT
  563. Certificate
  564. Certificate authority
  565. Certificate revocation list
  566. Certificate signing request
  567. CES
  568. CFML
  569. CGI
  570. Chaining
  571. Change list
  572. Change set
  573. Changeset
  574. Channel messaging
  575. Chaos engineering
  576. Character
  577. Character data
  578. Character encoding
  579. Character entity reference
  580. Character reference
  581. Character set
  582. Charset
  583. Chartjunk
  584. Checkbox hack
  585. CheiRank
  586. chmod
  587. chown
  588. Chrome
  589. Chrome Custom Tabs
  590. Chrome DevTools
  591. Chrome DevTools Protocol
  592. Chrome OS
  593. Chrome User Experience Report
  594. ChromeVox
  595. Chromium
  596. CHSS
  597. cHTML
  598. Churn
  599. Churn rate
  600. CI
  601. CI/CD
  602. CIA triad
  603. CIDR
  604. Cipher
  605. CircleCI
  606. Cisco Discovery Protocol
  607. CJS
  608. CL
  609. Class
  610. Class variable
  611. Classitis
  612. Classless Inter-Domain Routing
  613. CLDR
  614. Clearance
  615. Clearfix
  616. CLF
  617. CLI
  618. Click
  619. Click-through rate
  620. Clickjacking
  621. Client
  622. Client hints
  623. Client side
  624. Client-side rendering
  625. Clipping
  626. Cloaking
  627. Clojure
  628. Clone detection
  629. Closure
  630. Cloud
  631. Cloud computing
  632. Cloud storage
  633. CloudStack
  634. CLS
  635. Cluster
  636. CMF
  637. CMP
  638. CMS
  639. CMYK
  640. CNAME
  641. CNAME cloaking
  642. Coalescing
  643. Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity
  644. COC
  645. Code
  646. Code coverage
  647. Code debt
  648. Code golf
  649. Code of conduct
  650. Code point
  651. Code refactoring
  652. Code review
  653. Code smell
  654. Code splitting
  655. Codeline
  657. CodePen
  658. Coder
  659. Coding by Convention
  660. Coding guidelines
  661. COE
  662. COEP
  663. CoffeeScript
  664. COGA
  665. COGA TF
  666. Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force
  667. Cognitive complexity
  668. Cognitive disability
  669. Cold data
  670. ColdFusion
  671. ColdFusion Markup Language
  672. Collapsed margin
  673. Color blindness
  674. Color circle
  675. Color management
  676. Color scheme
  677. Color wheel
  678. Color, Material, Finish
  679. COM
  680. Combinator
  681. Comma-Separated Values
  682. Command
  683. Command-Line Interface
  684. Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
  685. Command-Query Separation
  686. Comment
  687. Commit
  688. Common Gateway Interface
  689. Common Locale Data Repository
  690. Common Log Format
  691. Common Object Request Broker Architecture
  692. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
  693. Common Vulnerability Scoring System
  694. CommonJS
  695. CommonMark
  696. Community of practice
  697. Compact HTML
  698. Compared to what?
  699. Compass
  700. Compatibility
  701. Compatibility equivalence
  702. Compatibility mode
  703. Compiler
  704. Compiling
  705. Complementary colors
  706. Component
  707. Component library
  708. Component Object Model
  709. Component-based development
  710. Component-based software engineering
  711. Component-driven user interface
  712. Composite Capability/Preference Profiles
  713. Compression
  714. Computational irreducibility
  715. Computed value
  716. Computer programming
  717. Concurrency
  718. Concurrent Versioning System
  719. Concurrent Versions System
  720. Condition coverage
  721. Condition variable
  722. Conditional
  723. Conditional Comments
  724. Cone of Uncertainty
  725. Confidence interval
  726. Confidence testing
  727. Confidentiality agreement
  728. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability
  729. Configuration drift
  730. Conflict of interest
  731. Conflict-free replicated data type
  732. Conformance
  733. Conformance testing
  734. Confounding variable
  735. Connascence
  736. Connection draining
  737. Consent management platform
  738. Consistency
  739. Consistent hashing
  740. Console
  741. Constant
  742. Constructive ambiguity
  743. Constructor
  744. Container
  745. Container query
  746. Containerization
  747. Containing block
  748. Containment
  749. Content
  750. Content Authenticity Initiative
  751. Content box
  752. Content category
  753. Content Credentials
  754. Content delivery network
  755. Content management system
  756. Content MathML
  757. Content negotiation
  758. Content network
  759. Content optimization
  760. Content parity
  761. Content projection
  762. Content Security Policy
  763. Content sniffing
  764. Context menu
  765. Context switch
  766. Continuous delivery
  767. Continuous deployment
  768. Continuous integration
  769. Continuous media
  770. Contrast
  771. Control flow
  772. Control stack
  773. Convention Over Configuration
  774. Conventional Commits
  775. Conversion
  776. Conway’s Law
  777. Cookie
  778. Cookie banner
  779. Cookie consent
  780. Cookie hijacking
  781. Coordinated Universal Time
  782. COP
  783. CORB
  784. CORBA
  785. Core Web Vitals
  786. CORP
  787. Corporate design
  788. Corporate identity
  789. Correction of Errors
  790. CORS
  791. Cost-per-click
  792. Country code top-level domain
  793. Coupling
  794. CPA
  795. CPC
  796. CPH
  797. CPM
  798. CQRS
  799. CQS
  800. CR
  801. CRA
  802. Craft
  803. CRAP
  804. Crawler
  805. Crawler trap
  806. Crawling
  807. CRDT
  808. Create React App
  809. Create, read, update, delete
  810. Create, replicate, append, process
  811. Critical CSS
  812. Critical design
  813. Critical path
  814. Critical path analysis
  815. Critical path method
  816. Critical rendering path
  817. CRL
  818. CRM
  819. cron
  820. Cron job
  821. Crontab
  822. Cross-Origin Read Blocking
  823. Cross-Origin Resource Policy
  824. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
  825. Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
  826. Cross-site request forgery
  827. Cross-site script inclusion
  828. Cross-site scripting
  829. Cross-site WebSocket hijacking
  830. CRP
  831. CRUD
  832. Cruft
  833. CrUX
  834. Cryptography
  835. CSCS
  836. CSP
  837. CSR
  838. CSRF
  839. CSS
  840. CSS Action Committee
  841. CSS framework
  842. CSS lock
  843. CSS Module
  844. CSS Naked Day
  845. CSS Object Model
  846. CSS pixel
  847. CSS preprocessor
  848. CSS Samurai
  849. CSS Zen Garden
  850. CSS-in-JS
  851. CSS-Tricks
  852. CSSOM
  853. CSV
  854. CSWSH
  855. CTA
  856. CTR
  857. Cumulative Layout Shift
  858. curl
  859. Curly’s Law
  860. Currying
  861. cursive
  862. Custom data attribute
  863. Custom element
  864. Custom property
  865. Customer Effort Score
  866. Customer relationship management
  867. Customized built-in element
  868. Customized Scripting in C#
  869. Cutting the mustard
  870. CVE
  871. CVS
  872. CVSS
  873. Cyan, magenta, yellow, and key
  874. Cybersquatting
  875. Cycle time
  876. Cyclomatic complexity
  877. Cypress
  878. D3.js
  879. DAD
  880. Daemon
  881. DAG
  882. Daily
  883. Daily Active Users
  884. Daily scrum
  885. DAM
  886. Dark mode
  887. Dark pattern
  888. Dark Web
  889. Darknet
  890. Dart
  891. DAST
  892. Data
  893. Data build tool
  894. Data center
  895. Data control language
  896. Data definition language
  897. Data lake
  898. Data localization
  899. Data loss
  900. Data management platform
  901. Data manipulation language
  902. Data masking
  903. Data obfuscation
  904. Data processing agreement
  905. Data pump
  906. Data query language
  907. Data residency
  908. Data sanitization
  909. Data storage
  910. Data stream management system
  911. Data swamp
  912. Data type
  913. Data visualization
  914. Data warehouse
  915. data-* attribute
  916. Database
  917. Database engine
  918. Database index
  919. Database language
  920. Database management system
  921. Database server
  922. Database shard
  923. DAU
  924. DAVE
  925. DBC
  926. DBMS
  927. dbt
  928. DCE
  929. DCL
  930. DCVS
  931. DDA
  932. DDD
  933. DDL
  934. DDML
  935. DDoS
  936. Dead Internet theory
  937. Dead letter queue
  938. Dead-code elimination
  939. Debugging
  940. Declaration
  941. Declaration block
  942. Decoration
  943. Decryption
  944. Deep linking
  945. Deep Web
  946. Defect
  947. Defect tracking system
  948. Definition of done
  949. DEI
  950. Delete, add, view, edit
  951. Demilitarized zone
  952. Denial of service
  953. DENIC
  954. Deno
  955. deno.json
  956. Denormalization
  957. Dependency
  958. Dependency injection
  959. Dependency Inversion Principle
  960. Deployment
  961. Deployment environment
  962. Deprecated
  963. Deprecation
  964. Deprecation trial
  965. Depth-first search
  966. Deque
  967. Descendant
  968. Descender
  969. Deserialization
  970. Design
  971. Design by Contract
  972. Design debt
  973. Design language
  974. Design strategy
  975. Design system
  976. Design token
  977. Design Tokens Community Group
  978. Design vocabulary
  979. Destructuring
  980. Deterministic random bit generator
  981. Developer advocacy
  982. Developer experience
  983. Developer relations
  984. Developer tools
  985. Development and operations
  986. Development team
  987. DevEx
  988. Device orientation
  989. Device pixel
  990. DevOps
  991. DevOps Research and Assessment
  992. DevRel
  993. DevTools
  994. DFS
  995. DHCP
  996. DHTML
  997. Dialog box
  998. Digital asset management
  999. Digital rights management
  1000. DIP
  1001. Directed acyclic graph
  1002. Directionality
  1003. Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology
  1004. Disability Discrimination Act
  1005. Disciplined Agile Delivery
  1006. Disjoint sets
  1007. Display advertising
  1008. Display resolution
  1009. Distributed Concurrent Versions System
  1010. Distributed persistent rendering
  1011. Distributed version control system
  1012. Dither
  1013. Dithering
  1014. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  1015. Divitis
  1016. Django
  1017. DKIM
  1018. DLL
  1019. DLR
  1020. DMARC
  1021. DML
  1022. DMP
  1023. DMZ
  1024. DNAME
  1025. DNS
  1026. DNS over HTTPS
  1027. DNS root
  1028. DNS root zone
  1029. DNS spoofing
  1030. DNSBL
  1031. DNSKEY
  1032. DNSSEC
  1033. DO-IT
  1034. DocBook
  1035. Docker
  1036. DOCTYPE
  1037. Document Definition Markup Language
  1038. Document directive
  1039. Document Object Model
  1040. Document Structure Description
  1041. Document Style Semantics and Specification Language
  1042. Document type declaration
  1043. Document type definition
  1044. Documentation
  1045. DoD
  1046. DoH
  1047. Dojo
  1048. DOM
  1049. DOM clobbering
  1050. Domain
  1051. Domain expert
  1052. Domain name
  1053. Domain name server
  1054. Domain Name Service
  1055. Domain Name System
  1056. Domain Name System blacklist
  1057. Domain Name System blocklist
  1058. Domain Name System Security Extensions
  1059. Domain sharding
  1060. Domain squatting
  1061. Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
  1062. Domain-driven design
  1063. Domain-specific language
  1064. DomainKeys Identified Mail
  1065. Don’t Repeat Yourself
  1066. Doorway page
  1067. DORA
  1068. DORA metrics
  1069. DoS
  1070. Dot file
  1071. Dot notation
  1072. Dot-agnostic
  1073. Dots per inch
  1074. Double
  1075. Double-ended queue
  1076. Downstream
  1077. Downtime
  1078. Downward-compatibility
  1079. DPA
  1080. DPI
  1081. DPR
  1082. DQL
  1083. DRBG
  1084. Dreamweaver
  1085. Drift
  1086. Driver
  1087. DRM
  1088. DRY
  1089. DSD
  1090. DSDM
  1091. DSL
  1092. DSMS
  1093. DSSSL
  1094. DTCG
  1095. DTD
  1096. Duck typing
  1097. Duncan’s taxonomy
  1098. Dup
  1099. Duplicate code
  1100. DVCS
  1101. DW
  1102. DWH
  1103. DX
  1104. Dynamic application security testing
  1105. Dynamic color
  1106. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  1107. Dynamic HTML
  1108. Dynamic Language Runtime
  1109. Dynamic password
  1110. Dynamic scope
  1111. Dynamic systems development method
  1112. Dynamic typing
  1113. Dynamic website
  1114. Dynamic-link library
  1115. DYOR
  1116. Dyslexia
  1117. E2E
  1118. EAA
  1119. Eager evaluation
  1120. EAT
  1121. EAV
  1122. EBCDIC
  1123. EBM
  1124. ECB
  1125. Eclipse
  1126. ECM
  1127. ECMA
  1128. Ecma International
  1129. ECMAScript
  1130. Ecommerce
  1131. ECT
  1132. Edge
  1133. Edge caching
  1134. Edge computing
  1135. Edge coverage
  1136. Edge-side rendering
  1137. Edit distance
  1138. Editor
  1139. EditorConfig
  1140. EDR
  1141. EEAT
  1142. EFF
  1143. Effective Connection Type
  1144. Effectiveness
  1145. Efferent coupling
  1146. Efficiency
  1147. EIP
  1148. Elastic
  1149. Elastic IP
  1150. Elastic Network Interface
  1151. Elasticity
  1152. Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana
  1153. Electron
  1154. Electronic codebook
  1155. Electronic Frontier Foundation
  1156. Element
  1157. Eleventy
  1158. ELF
  1159. ELK
  1160. else
  1161. Elvis operator
  1162. Em
  1163. Emacs
  1164. Email
  1165. Email address
  1166. Email spoofing
  1167. Embedded content
  1168. Embedded style sheet
  1169. Ember.js
  1170. EMD
  1171. EME
  1172. Emmet
  1173. Empiricism
  1174. Employee value proposition
  1175. Employer branding
  1176. Empty element
  1177. Empty string
  1178. Encapsulation
  1179. Encrypted Media Extensions
  1180. Encryption
  1181. End of file
  1182. End of life
  1183. End of line
  1184. End tag
  1185. End-to-end testing
  1186. Endpoint detection and response
  1187. Endpoint protection
  1188. Endpoint protection platform
  1189. Endpoint security
  1190. Endpoint threat detection and response
  1191. ENI
  1192. Enterprise content management
  1193. Entity
  1194. Entity graph
  1195. Entity identifier
  1196. Entity reference
  1197. Entity–attribute–value
  1198. Enum
  1199. Enumerated type
  1200. Environment isolation
  1201. Environment variable
  1202. EOF
  1203. EOL
  1204. Ephemeral storage
  1205. Epic
  1206. Epoch time
  1207. EPP
  1208. Equal-width typeface
  1209. Equality Act 2010
  1210. Error
  1211. Erwise
  1212. ES
  1213. ES Modules
  1214. ES4
  1215. ES6
  1216. esbuild
  1217. ESM
  1218. ESR
  1219. ETDR
  1220. Ethernet
  1221. Ethics
  1222. Etiquette
  1223. ETL
  1224. European Accessibility Act
  1225. European Computer Manufacturers Association
  1226. Evaluation strategy
  1227. Event
  1228. Event handler
  1229. Event loop
  1230. Event-driven architecture
  1231. Eventual consistency
  1232. Even–Odd Rule
  1233. Evidence-Based Management
  1234. EVP
  1235. Exact-match domain
  1236. Exception
  1237. Exception handling
  1238. Exception handling syntax
  1239. Execution stack
  1240. Exit code
  1241. Exit status
  1242. Experience, expertise, authoritativeness, trust
  1243. Expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness
  1244. Explicit association
  1245. Express
  1246. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  1247. Extended Log Format
  1248. Extended reality
  1249. Extensible Application Markup Language
  1250. Extensible Hyper Linkage
  1251. Extensible HyperText Markup Language
  1252. Extensible Markup Language
  1253. Extensible Stylesheet Language
  1254. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
  1255. External
  1256. Extract, transform, load
  1257. Extreme programming
  1258. Eye tracking
  1259. FaaS
  1260. Facade pattern
  1261. Fagan inspection
  1262. Fagan testing
  1263. Failover
  1264. Fallback
  1265. False negative
  1266. False positive
  1267. Falsy
  1268. fantasy
  1269. Fat footer
  1270. Favelet
  1271. Favicon
  1272. Favorite
  1273. Favorite icon
  1274. FCP
  1275. Feature creep
  1276. Feature detection
  1277. Feature phone
  1278. Feature testing
  1279. Federal Information Processing Standard
  1280. Federated Learning of Cohorts
  1281. Federation
  1282. Fediverse
  1283. Feed
  1284. Feed reader
  1285. Fetch API
  1286. FFmpeg
  1287. FID
  1288. FIFO
  1289. Fifth Rule of ARIA
  1290. Figma
  1291. File
  1292. File extension
  1293. File locking
  1294. File manager
  1295. File system
  1296. File Transfer Protocol
  1297. Filename extension
  1298. Filter primitive
  1299. Fingerprinting
  1300. FIPS
  1301. Firebase
  1302. Firebird
  1303. Firefox
  1304. First Contentful Paint
  1305. First CPU Idle
  1306. First in, first out
  1307. First Input Delay
  1308. First Interactive
  1309. First Meaningful Paint
  1310. First normal form
  1311. First Paint
  1312. First Public Working Draft
  1313. First Rule of ARIA
  1314. First-class function
  1315. First-order function
  1316. Fitts’s Law
  1317. Fixed
  1318. Flame graph
  1319. Flash
  1320. Flash of faux text
  1321. Flash of invisible text
  1322. Flash of unstyled content
  1323. Flash of unstyled text
  1324. Flash Player
  1325. Flat design
  1326. Flesch–Kincaid readability tests
  1327. Flex
  1328. Flexbox
  1329. Float
  1330. Float label pattern
  1331. FLoC
  1332. Flock
  1333. FLOSS
  1334. Flow content
  1335. Flow of control
  1336. Fluent Design System
  1337. Fluid
  1338. Flutter
  1339. Flynn’s taxonomy
  1340. FMP
  1341. FOAF
  1342. Focus
  1343. Focus mode
  1344. Focus trap
  1345. FOFT
  1346. FOIT
  1347. Fold
  1348. Folksonomy
  1349. Font
  1350. Font Awesome
  1351. Font block period
  1352. Font failure period
  1353. Font matching
  1354. Font subsetting
  1355. Font swap period
  1356. Foo
  1357. Foobar
  1358. for
  1359. foreach
  1360. Foreign key
  1361. Forest
  1362. Fork
  1363. Form
  1364. Formatting context
  1365. Formatting Output Specification Instance
  1366. Forms mode
  1367. Forward proxy
  1368. Forward secrecy
  1369. Forward-compatibility
  1370. FOSI
  1371. FOSS
  1372. FOUC
  1373. Fourth Rule of ARIA
  1374. FOUT
  1375. FP
  1376. FPS
  1377. FPWD
  1378. FQDN
  1379. Fragment identifier
  1380. Frame
  1381. Frame busting
  1382. Frame rate
  1383. Framekiller
  1384. Frames per second
  1385. Frameset
  1386. Framework
  1387. Free and open-source software
  1388. Free Software Foundation
  1389. Free variable
  1390. Free/Libre and Open Source Software
  1391. Friend of a Friend
  1392. Frontend
  1393. FrontPage
  1394. FS
  1395. fs
  1396. FSF
  1397. FTP
  1398. FTP over SSH
  1399. FTP Secure
  1400. FTP-SSL
  1401. FTPS
  1402. Fuchsia
  1403. Fugu
  1404. Full service
  1405. Full Stack
  1406. Full stack developer
  1407. Fully qualified domain name
  1408. Function
  1409. Function as a service
  1410. Function binding
  1411. Function coverage
  1412. Function overloading
  1413. function*
  1414. Functional programming
  1415. Functional testing
  1416. FutureSplash
  1417. Fuzz testing
  1418. Fuzzing
  1419. GA
  1420. GAAD
  1421. Gamma
  1422. Gamut
  1423. Gang of Four
  1424. Garbage collection
  1425. Garbage in, garbage out
  1426. Gateway
  1427. Gatsby
  1428. GCP
  1429. GDE
  1430. GDPR
  1431. Gecko
  1432. Gem
  1433. Gemfile
  1434. General Availability
  1435. General Data Protection Regulation
  1436. General Image Manipulation Program
  1437. General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
  1438. Generalized Markup Language
  1439. Generator
  1440. Generator function
  1441. Generic programming
  1442. Generic top-level domain
  1443. GeoCities
  1444. Geocities-izing
  1445. Geofence
  1446. Geolocation API
  1447. Geturl
  1448. GIF
  1449. GIGO
  1450. GIMP
  1451. Git
  1452. Git flow
  1453. Git submodule
  1454. GitFlow
  1455. GitHub
  1456. GitHub Copilot
  1457. GitLab
  1458. Gitmoji
  1459. GIYF
  1460. Global
  1461. Global Accessibility Awareness Day
  1462. Global object
  1463. Global scope
  1464. Global variable
  1465. Globalization management system
  1466. Globally unique identifier
  1467. Glyph
  1468. GML
  1469. GMS
  1470. GNU
  1471. GNU General Public License
  1472. GNU Project
  1473. Go
  1474. Goanna
  1475. GoF
  1476. Going gold
  1477. Golang
  1478. Gold-plating
  1479. Golden mean
  1480. Golden ratio
  1481. Golden section
  1482. Goodhart’s Law
  1483. Google Chrome
  1484. Google Cloud Platform
  1485. Google Developer Expert
  1486. Google Fuchsia
  1487. Google Lighthouse
  1488. Google QUIC
  1489. Google TalkBack
  1490. Google Web Server
  1491. Google Web Toolkit
  1492. Gopher
  1493. GPL
  1494. GPU
  1495. gQUIC
  1496. Graceful degradation
  1497. Grafana
  1498. Grapheme
  1499. Graphic
  1500. Graphical user interface
  1501. Graphics Interchange Format
  1502. Graphics Processing Unit
  1503. GraphQL
  1504. GRASP
  1505. Greasemonkey
  1506. Greedy evaluation
  1507. Greeking
  1508. Greenfield project
  1509. GreenSock
  1510. GreenSock Animation Platform
  1511. Grid
  1512. Grid computing
  1513. Grid track
  1514. Groovy
  1515. GSAP
  1516. gTLD
  1517. Guaranteed invalid
  1518. Guerrilla patching
  1519. Guetzli
  1520. GUI
  1521. GUID
  1522. Guidepup
  1523. gulp
  1524. gulp.js
  1525. Gutter
  1526. GWS
  1527. GWT
  1528. Gzip
  1529. HA
  1530. Hack
  1531. Hackathon
  1532. Hacker
  1533. HAL
  1534. HAML
  1535. Hamming distance
  1536. Handheld Device Markup Language
  1537. Handlebars
  1538. HAR
  1539. Hard reset
  1540. Hardware random number generator
  1541. Hardware security module
  1542. Hash
  1543. Hash function
  1544. Hash table
  1545. Hash-based message authentication code
  1546. Hashbang
  1547. Hashtag
  1548. hasLayout
  1549. HATEOAS
  1550. HCI
  1551. HDD
  1552. HDML
  1553. Head-of-line blocking
  1554. Heading content
  1555. Headless
  1556. Head–tail linked list
  1557. Health check
  1558. Heap
  1559. HECVAT
  1560. HEIC
  1561. HEIF
  1562. Helper class
  1563. Heterogenous migration
  1564. Hex
  1565. Hex triplet
  1566. Hexadecimal
  1567. Hick–Hyman Law
  1568. Hick’s Law
  1569. Hidden Web
  1570. High availability
  1571. High Efficiency Image Coding
  1572. High Efficiency Image File Format
  1573. Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool
  1574. Higher-order component
  1575. Higher-order function
  1576. HIP
  1577. Hit
  1578. HITS
  1579. HMAC
  1580. HMAC-based one-time password
  1581. HMR
  1582. HOC
  1583. Hoisting
  1584. HOL blocking
  1585. Holey
  1586. Home page
  1587. Home Page Reader
  1588. Home screen
  1589. Homepage
  1590. HomeSite
  1591. Homogenous migration
  1592. Hooking
  1593. Hop limit
  1594. Horizontal scaling
  1595. Host
  1596. Host Identity Protocol
  1597. Hostname
  1598. Hot data
  1599. Hot linking
  1600. Hot module replacement
  1601. HOTP
  1602. Hotwire
  1603. Houdini
  1604. HPKP
  1605. HPR
  1606. HRNG
  1607. HSL
  1608. HSM
  1609. HSTS
  1610. HSV
  1611. HTML
  1612. HTML Abstraction Markup Language
  1613. HTML over the wire
  1614. HTML template
  1615. HTML-in-JS
  1616. HTML/CSS framework
  1617. HTML5
  1618. HTML5 Boilerplate
  1619. HTML 5
  1620. htmx
  1621. HTTP
  1622. HTTP Archive
  1623. HTTP flood attack
  1624. HTTP method
  1625. HTTP Public Key Pinning
  1626. HTTP request method
  1627. HTTP status code
  1628. HTTP Strict Transport Security
  1629. HTTP verb
  1630. HTTP/2
  1631. HTTP/3
  1632. httpd.conf
  1633. HTTPS
  1634. HTTPS Everywhere
  1635. HubDB
  1636. HubL
  1637. HubSpot Markup Language
  1638. Hue, saturation, lightness
  1639. Hue, saturation, value
  1640. Hugo
  1641. humans.txt
  1642. Human–computer interaction
  1643. Hungarian notation
  1644. Hydration
  1645. Hype cycle
  1646. Hyperlink
  1647. Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search
  1648. Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State
  1649. Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language
  1650. Hypertext
  1651. Hypertext Application Language
  1652. HyperText Markup Language
  1653. Hypertext Preprocessor
  1654. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  1655. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
  1656. Hypervisor
  1657. Hyphenation
  1658. Hypothesis-driven development
  1659. HyTime
  1660. I-D
  1661. i-mode
  1662. I/O
  1663. I18N
  1664. IA
  1665. IaaS
  1666. IAB
  1667. IaC
  1668. IACVT
  1669. IANA
  1670. IBM Home Page Reader
  1671. IBM WebExplorer
  1672. iCab
  1673. ICANN
  1674. ICMP
  1675. Icon
  1676. Icon font
  1677. ICS
  1678. ICT
  1679. ID
  1680. ID selector
  1681. IDE
  1682. Idempotence
  1683. iDEN
  1684. Identifier
  1685. Identity provider
  1686. Ideograph
  1687. IDL
  1688. IDP
  1689. IDX
  1690. IE
  1691. IEEE
  1692. IEO
  1693. IETF
  1694. if
  1695. Iframe
  1696. IIFE
  1697. IIS
  1698. Image
  1699. Image map
  1700. Image replacement
  1701. IMAP
  1702. IME
  1703. Immediate mode
  1704. Immediately Invoked Function Expression
  1705. Immutable
  1706. Imperative programming
  1707. Implementation conformance statement
  1708. Import map
  1709. IMS
  1710. In-app browser
  1711. Incident management
  1712. Incident response
  1713. Inclusive design
  1714. Increment
  1715. Incremental rendering
  1716. Incremental Static Regeneration
  1717. Index node
  1718. Indexed color
  1719. Indexed Database
  1720. IndexedDB
  1721. Indexing
  1722. IndieWeb
  1723. Industrial design
  1724. Infinite loop
  1725. Infinite scrolling
  1726. Information and communications technology
  1727. Information architecture
  1728. Information design
  1729. Information foraging
  1730. Information overload
  1731. Information retrieval
  1732. Information scent
  1733. Information Security
  1734. Information security management system
  1735. Information security operations center
  1736. Information technology
  1737. Information technology service management
  1738. Infosec
  1739. Infoset
  1740. Infrastructure as a service
  1741. Infrastructure as Code
  1742. Inheritance
  1743. Initiative for Open Authentication
  1744. Inline
  1745. Inline box
  1746. Inline element
  1747. Inline flow
  1748. Inline formatting context
  1749. Inline linking
  1750. Inline replying
  1751. Inline-level box
  1752. Inline-level element
  1753. Inlinification
  1754. innerHTML
  1755. Inode
  1756. INP
  1757. Input method
  1758. Input method editor
  1759. Input/Output
  1760. Input/output operations per second
  1761. Insertion mode
  1762. Instance store
  1763. Instance variable
  1764. Instant Articles
  1765. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  1766. Instrument flight
  1767. Integer
  1768. Integrated development environment
  1769. Integrated Digital Enhanced Network
  1770. Intellectual property
  1771. IntelliJ IDEA
  1772. Intent log
  1773. Intent to Implement
  1774. Intent to Prototype
  1775. Interaction design
  1776. Interaction Design Association
  1777. Interaction to Next Paint
  1778. Interactive Advertising Bureau
  1779. Interactive content
  1780. Interactive Data Language
  1781. Interface
  1782. Interface definition language
  1783. Interface description language
  1784. Interface Segregation Principle
  1785. Interlaced JPEG
  1786. Interleaved posting
  1787. Internal
  1788. International Organization for Standardization
  1789. International Telecommunication Union
  1790. Internationalization
  1791. Internationalized Resource Identifier
  1792. Internet
  1793. Internet Architecture Board
  1794. Internet Archive
  1795. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  1796. Internet Control Message Protocol
  1797. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
  1798. Internet Draft
  1799. Internet Engineering Task Force
  1800. Internet Explorer
  1801. Internet Information Services
  1802. Internet Message Access Protocol
  1803. Internet Protocol
  1804. Internet Protocol Security
  1805. Internet Relay Chat
  1806. Internet Resource Locator
  1807. Internet Server Application Programming Interface
  1808. Internet service provider
  1809. Internet Society
  1810. Internet Standard
  1811. Internet Universality
  1812. Internet Universality Indicator
  1813. Internet2
  1814. InternetWorks
  1815. InterNIC
  1816. Interoperability
  1817. InterPlanetary File System
  1818. Interpolation
  1819. Interpolation search
  1820. Intersection Observer
  1821. Interstitial
  1822. Intranet
  1823. Intrinsic size
  1824. Intrinsic typography
  1825. Intrinsic web design
  1826. Invalid at computed-value time
  1827. Inversion of Control
  1828. Inverted company domain
  1829. Inverted Triangle CSS
  1830. IoC
  1831. IOPS
  1832. iOS
  1833. IP
  1834. IP address
  1835. IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem
  1836. IP Multimedia Subsystem
  1837. IP telephony
  1838. IPFS
  1839. IPsec
  1840. IPSECKEY
  1841. iptables
  1842. IPv4
  1843. IPv6
  1844. IRC
  1845. IRI
  1846. IRL
  1847. ISAPI
  1848. Islands architecture
  1849. ISMS
  1850. ISO
  1851. ISO/IEC 27000 series
  1852. ISOC
  1853. ISO 27000
  1854. ISP
  1855. ISR
  1856. IT
  1857. ITCSS
  1858. ITSM
  1859. ITU
  1860. IUI
  1861. IWD
  1862. IxD
  1863. IxDA
  1864. Jakob’s Law
  1865. Jamstack
  1866. Jank
  1867. JAR
  1868. Jasmine
  1869. Java
  1870. Java applet
  1871. Java archive
  1872. Java Database Connectivity
  1873. Java Development Kit
  1874. Java servlet
  1875. Java virtual machine
  1876. JavaFX
  1877. JavaScript
  1878. JavaScript framework
  1879. JavaScript library
  1880. JavaScript Object Notation
  1881. JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data
  1882. JavaScript Style Sheets
  1883. JavaScript Syntax Extension
  1884. JavaScript XML
  1885. JavaServer Pages
  1886. JAWS
  1887. JDBC
  1888. JDK
  1889. Jekyll
  1890. Jenkins
  1891. Jetty
  1892. Jimdo
  1893. Jinja
  1894. Jinjava
  1895. Jira
  1896. JIT
  1897. JIT compiler
  1898. Job Access With Speech
  1899. Joint Photographic Experts Group
  1900. Joomla
  1901. JPEG
  1902. JPG
  1903. jQuery
  1904. JS
  1905. JScript
  1906. JSLint
  1907. JSON
  1908. JSON Feed
  1909. JSON Web Encryption
  1910. JSON Web Signature
  1911. JSON Web Token
  1912. JSON with Padding
  1913. JSON-LD
  1914. JSON-P
  1915. JSON5
  1916. JSON5 Data Interchange Format
  1917. JSONP
  1918. JSP
  1919. JSS
  1920. JSSS
  1921. JSX
  1922. Just in Time
  1923. Just-in-time compilation
  1924. JVM
  1925. JWS
  1926. JWT
  1927. k-anonymity
  1928. K-Meleon
  1929. K8s
  1930. Kanban
  1931. Karp–Rabin algorithm
  1932. Kebab case
  1933. Keeping the lights on
  1934. Kerberos
  1935. Kerning
  1936. KEY
  1937. Key
  1938. Key frame
  1939. Key management
  1940. Key performance indicator
  1941. Keyframe
  1942. Keyword
  1943. Key–value database
  1944. KHTML
  1945. Kibana
  1946. Kludge
  1947. KMP algorithm
  1948. Knowledge Graph
  1949. Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
  1950. Konqueror
  1951. KPI
  1952. KTLO
  1953. Kubernetes
  1954. L10N
  1955. Lambda abstraction
  1956. Lambda expression
  1957. LAMP
  1958. LAN
  1959. Landing page
  1960. Language
  1961. Language metadata
  1962. Language subtag
  1963. Language tag
  1964. Laravel
  1965. Large language model
  1966. Large viewport
  1967. Large-Scale Scrum
  1968. Largest Contentful Paint
  1969. Last Call Working Draft
  1970. Last in, first out
  1971. Latency
  1972. Latent semantic indexing
  1973. LaTeX
  1974. Launch
  1975. Law of Conservation of Complexity
  1976. Law of Demeter
  1977. Law of Leaky Abstractions
  1978. Layout
  1979. Layout engine
  1980. Layout table
  1981. Layout viewport
  1982. Lazy evaluation
  1983. Lazy loading
  1984. LCP
  1985. LCU
  1986. LCWD
  1987. LDAP
  1988. Lead time
  1989. Leading
  1990. Leaky abstraction
  1991. Lean
  1992. Lean client
  1993. Leaner Style Sheets
  1994. Left-to-right
  1995. Legibility
  1996. Lerna
  1997. LeSS
  1998. Less
  1999. LeSS Huge
  2000. Letter spacing
  2001. Let’s Encrypt
  2002. Level of effort
  2003. Levenshtein distance
  2004. Lexical scope
  2005. Library
  2006. Library World Wide Web
  2007. libwww
  2008. LIFO
  2009. Lift and shift
  2010. Ligature
  2011. Light mode
  2012. Lightbox
  2013. Lighthouse
  2014. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  2015. Lightweight markup language
  2016. Likert scale
  2017. Limited-quirks mode
  2018. Line box
  2019. Line ending
  2020. Line feed
  2021. Line spacing
  2022. Line terminator
  2023. Linear responsibility chart
  2024. Linearizability
  2025. Lines of code
  2026. Link
  2027. Link equity
  2028. Link farm
  2029. Link juice
  2030. Link rot
  2031. Linked Data
  2032. Linked list
  2033. Linter
  2034. Linting
  2035. Linux
  2036. Linux Standard Base
  2037. Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python
  2038. Liquid
  2039. LIS
  2040. Liskov Substitution Principle
  2041. Lisp
  2042. Lit
  2043. Lite Mode
  2044. LitElement
  2045. Literal
  2046. Little’s Law
  2047. LiveScript
  2048. LLM
  2049. LMGTFY
  2050. LML
  2051. Load balancer
  2052. Load Balancer Capacity Unit
  2053. Load balancing
  2054. Load time
  2055. LOC
  2056. Local
  2057. Local area network
  2058. Local scope
  2059. Local storage
  2060. Local variable
  2061. Local-part
  2062. Locale
  2063. localhost
  2064. Localization
  2065. Location information server
  2066. Lock file
  2067. Lock file poisoning
  2068. Lockfile
  2069. LOE
  2070. Log file
  2071. Logging
  2072. Logical properties
  2073. Login
  2074. Logon
  2075. Long task
  2076. Long-Term Support
  2077. longdesc
  2078. Longest common substring
  2079. Look and feel
  2080. Loop
  2081. Lorem ipsum
  2082. Lossless
  2083. Lossy
  2084. Love-at-first-sight pattern
  2085. Low vision
  2086. Low-quality image placeholders
  2087. LQIP
  2088. LRC
  2089. LSB
  2090. LSI
  2091. LSP
  2092. LTR
  2093. LTS
  2094. Lua
  2095. Lynx
  2096. MAC
  2097. MAC address
  2098. Mac OS
  2099. Machine learning
  2100. macOS
  2101. macOS, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python
  2102. Macromedia Flash
  2103. MacWWW
  2104. Magic code
  2105. Magic cookie
  2106. Mail
  2107. Mailjet Markup Language
  2108. Main thread
  2109. Maintainability
  2110. Maintenance
  2111. Makefile
  2112. Malware
  2113. MAM
  2114. MAMP
  2115. Man-in-the-middle attack
  2116. Manifesto for Agile Software Development
  2117. Margin
  2118. Margin collapsing
  2119. MariaDB
  2120. Markdown
  2121. Marketing
  2122. Markup
  2123. Markup language
  2124. Massively parallel processing
  2125. Masstige
  2126. Masthead
  2127. Material Design
  2128. Mathematical Markup Language
  2129. Mathematical markup language
  2130. MathML
  2131. MAU
  2132. Maven
  2133. Maximum segment sum problem
  2134. Maximum subarray problem
  2135. McCabe score
  2136. MCML
  2137. MD
  2138. MD2
  2139. MD4
  2140. MD5
  2141. MD6
  2142. MDL
  2143. MDN
  2144. MDN Web Docs
  2145. MDX
  2146. MEAN
  2147. Media
  2148. Media access control address
  2149. Media asset management
  2150. Media Center Markup Language
  2151. Media query
  2152. Media type
  2153. Medium integer
  2154. MeeGo
  2155. Meet-in-the-middle attack
  2156. Mega menu
  2157. Memoization
  2158. Menu
  2159. Merge queue
  2160. Merge request
  2161. Merging
  2162. Message authentication code
  2163. Message Digest
  2164. Message transfer agent
  2165. Meta element
  2166. Meta programming
  2167. Metadata
  2168. Metadata content
  2169. Metaprogramming
  2170. Metcalfe’s Law
  2171. Meteor
  2172. Method
  2173. Method overloading
  2174. Method stub
  2175. Metric
  2176. Metro
  2177. MFA
  2178. MHTML
  2179. Microformat
  2180. Microkernel
  2181. Microservice
  2182. Microservice architecture
  2183. Microsite
  2184. Microsoft Active Accessibility
  2185. Microsoft Azure
  2186. Microsoft Design Language
  2187. Microsoft Edge
  2188. Microsoft FrontPage
  2189. Microsoft Internet Explorer
  2190. Microsoft Narrator
  2191. Microsoft Silverlight
  2192. Microsoft Windows
  2193. Microtask
  2194. Middleware
  2195. Midori
  2196. Millennium bug
  2197. MIMD
  2198. MIME
  2199. MIME encapsulation of aggregate HTML documents
  2200. MIME sniffing
  2201. MIME type
  2202. Mini Program
  2203. Minification
  2204. Minifier
  2205. Minimum spanning tree
  2206. Minimum viable product
  2207. Minimum weight spanning tree
  2208. MIP
  2209. Mipmap
  2210. MISD
  2211. MITM
  2212. Mixin
  2213. MJML
  2214. ML
  2215. Mobile
  2216. Mobile First
  2217. Mobile Instant Pages
  2218. Mobilegeddon
  2219. Mocha
  2220. Mock object
  2221. Mocking
  2222. Modal
  2223. Model–View–Controller
  2224. Model–View–Viewmodel
  2225. Modernizr
  2226. Modular design
  2227. Module
  2228. MongoDB
  2229. Monitor
  2230. Monitoring
  2231. Monkey patching
  2232. Monolith
  2233. Monolithic application
  2234. Monorepo
  2235. monospace
  2236. Monthly Active Users
  2237. Mosaic
  2238. Mouse grid
  2239. Moving Picture Experts Group
  2240. Mozilla Developer Center
  2241. Mozilla Developer Network
  2242. Mozilla Firefox
  2243. MPA
  2244. MPEG
  2245. MPP
  2246. MR
  2247. MSA
  2248. MSAA
  2249. MSHTML
  2250. MSIE
  2251. MST
  2252. MTA
  2253. mTLS
  2254. Multi-factor authentication
  2255. Multi-page application
  2256. Multimedia
  2257. Multiple inheritance
  2258. Multiple instruction, multiple data
  2259. Multiple instruction, single data
  2260. Multiprocessing
  2261. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  2262. Multithreading
  2263. Muphry’s Law
  2264. Murphy’s Law
  2265. Mustache
  2266. Mutable
  2267. Mutation
  2268. Mutual authentication
  2269. Mutual TLS authentication
  2270. MVC
  2271. MVP
  2272. MVVM
  2273. MX
  2274. MySQL
  2275. n-based indexing
  2276. NACK
  2277. NACL
  2278. NAK
  2279. Naked type
  2280. Name binding
  2281. Name server
  2282. Namespace
  2283. NaN
  2284. Narrator
  2285. NAT
  2286. National Institute of Standards and Technology
  2287. Native
  2288. NativeScript
  2289. Natural interface
  2290. Natural key
  2291. Natural user interface
  2292. Navigation
  2293. Navigator
  2294. NCSA Common Log Format
  2295. NDA
  2296. Necro-posting
  2297. Negative space
  2298. Nesting
  2299. NestJS
  2300. Net neutrality
  2301. Net Promoter Score
  2302. Netscape Communicator
  2303. Netscape Navigator
  2304. Netscape 4
  2305. Network
  2306. Network address translation
  2307. Network Information Center
  2308. Network Mapper
  2309. Network packet
  2310. Neutral character
  2311. Newbie
  2312. Newline
  2313. News aggregator
  2314. Next.js
  2315. Nexus
  2316. NFR
  2317. nginx
  2318. Night mode
  2319. Ninety–Ninety Rule
  2320. NIST
  2321. Nmap
  2322. No-quirks mode
  2323. Node
  2324. Node Package Manager
  2325. Node.js
  2326. Noflake Manifesto
  2327. nofollow
  2328. Nolan’s Law
  2329. Non-disclosure agreement
  2330. Non-functional requirement
  2331. Non-relational database
  2332. Non-replaced element
  2333. Non-Zero Rule
  2334. Non-Zero Winding Rule
  2335. Nonce
  2336. NonNullable
  2337. NonVisual Desktop Access
  2338. Noob
  2339. Normal form
  2340. Normalization
  2341. Normalize.css
  2342. Normative
  2343. North star metric
  2344. NoSQL
  2345. Not a Number
  2346. Notification system
  2347. Now page
  2348. npm
  2349. NPS
  2350. NS
  2351. NSM
  2352. NUI
  2353. Null
  2354. Null device
  2355. Null pointer
  2356. Number
  2357. Number sign
  2358. Numeral
  2359. Numeric character reference
  2360. Numeric up/down
  2361. Numerical digit
  2362. Nuxt.js
  2363. NVDA
  2364. OAEP
  2365. OASIS
  2366. OATH
  2367. OAuth
  2368. Obfuscation
  2369. Obfuscript
  2370. Object
  2371. Object-code compatibility
  2372. Object-Oriented CSS
  2373. Object-oriented programming
  2374. Object-relational mapping
  2375. Objectives and key results
  2376. Objectives, goals, strategies, and measures
  2377. Object–attribute–value
  2378. Observer
  2379. Observer pattern
  2380. OCP
  2381. OCSP
  2382. OCSP stapling
  2383. Offline
  2384. Offline First
  2385. OGP
  2386. OGSM
  2387. OIDC
  2388. OKR
  2389. OLA
  2390. OLAP
  2391. OLTP
  2392. Omnichannel
  2393. On-prem
  2394. On-premises software
  2395. One-based indexing
  2396. One-time password
  2397. Onion Router
  2398. Online analytical processing
  2399. Online Certificate Status Protocol
  2400. Online reputation management
  2401. Online transaction processing
  2402. Ontology
  2403. OOCSS
  2404. OOM
  2405. OOP
  2406. OOPIF
  2407. Open Authorization
  2408. Open Graph
  2409. Open Graph Protocol
  2410. Open Group Architecture Framework
  2411. Open source
  2412. Open Systems Interconnection model
  2413. Open Web Application Security Project
  2414. Open Web Docs
  2415. OpenAPI
  2416. OpenAPI Specification
  2417. OpenID
  2418. OpenID Connect
  2419. OpenType
  2420. Open–Closed Principle
  2421. Opera
  2422. Opera Mini
  2423. Operand
  2424. Operating system
  2425. Operating-level agreement
  2426. Operational-level agreement
  2427. Operations-level agreement
  2428. Operator
  2429. OPFS
  2430. Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
  2431. Optimization
  2432. Optional markup
  2433. Orca
  2434. Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
  2435. Organizational-level agreement
  2436. Origin
  2437. Origin Private File System
  2438. Origin trials
  2439. ORM
  2440. Orphan
  2441. Orthogonality
  2442. OS
  2443. OSI model
  2444. OTA
  2445. OTF
  2446. OTP
  2447. Out of memory
  2448. Out-of-process iframe
  2449. Outline
  2450. Over the air
  2451. Over-testing
  2452. OWASP
  2453. OWD
  2454. OWL
  2455. PaaS
  2456. Package
  2457. Package manager
  2458. package-lock.json
  2459. package.json
  2460. Packaged Offline/Online Webpage
  2461. Packed
  2462. Packet
  2463. Padding
  2464. Padding oracle attack
  2465. Page
  2466. Page impression
  2467. Page parking
  2468. Page prediction
  2469. Page Quality
  2470. Page view
  2471. PageRank
  2472. PageSpeed
  2473. Painless
  2474. Paint
  2475. Pair programming
  2476. Pale Moon
  2477. Palpable content
  2478. PANOSE
  2479. Paper prototyping
  2480. Paradigm
  2481. Parallax scrolling
  2482. Parallel browsing
  2483. Parameter
  2484. Paraphrase testing
  2485. Parcel
  2486. Pareto Principle
  2487. Pareto Rule
  2488. Parkinson’s Law
  2489. Parse error
  2490. Parsed character data
  2491. Parser
  2492. Parsing
  2493. Partial exact-match domain
  2494. Partytown
  2495. Pascal case
  2496. Pass the Cookie attack
  2497. Passkey
  2498. Patch
  2499. PATH
  2500. Path
  2501. Path dependence
  2502. Pattern
  2503. Pattern library
  2504. Pave the Cowpaths
  2505. Pay-per-click
  2506. Payload
  2507. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
  2508. Paywall
  2509. PBI
  2510. PCDATA
  2511. PCI DSS
  2512. PDF
  2513. Peer review
  2514. PEMD
  2515. Pen test
  2516. Penetration testing
  2517. Pentest
  2518. Perceivable, operable, understandable, robust
  2519. Perceived performance
  2520. Percent encoding
  2521. Performance
  2522. Performance budget
  2523. Performance indicator
  2524. Perl
  2525. Permalink
  2526. Persona
  2527. Personal data
  2528. Personal Home Page
  2529. Personally identifiable information
  2530. Peter Principle
  2531. PFS
  2532. PhantomJS
  2533. Phishing
  2534. Phoenix
  2535. Phoenix server pattern
  2536. Photoshop
  2537. PHP
  2538. PhpStorm
  2539. Phrasing content
  2540. PI
  2541. Picture superiority effect
  2542. PII
  2543. Pinball pattern
  2544. Ping
  2545. Pinging
  2546. pip
  2547. Pixel
  2548. Pixel tag
  2549. Pixel-perfect
  2550. PJPEG
  2551. PKCS
  2552. PKI
  2553. Placeholder
  2554. Placeholder text
  2555. Plain-text
  2556. Plane
  2557. Platform as a service
  2558. Platform evangelism
  2559. Platform modernization
  2560. Playback attack
  2561. PLT
  2562. Plugin
  2563. Plus-minus testing
  2564. Plusignment
  2565. PMA
  2566. PNG
  2567. pnpm
  2568. POC
  2569. Pod
  2570. Point of presence
  2571. Pointer
  2572. Pointing device
  2573. POLA
  2574. Policy pattern
  2575. policyd-weight
  2576. POLP
  2577. Polyfill
  2578. Polymer Project
  2579. POM
  2580. POMP
  2581. POP
  2582. Pop-over
  2583. Pop-under
  2584. Pop-up
  2585. Port
  2586. Port number
  2587. Portable code
  2588. Portable Document Format
  2589. Portable Network Graphics
  2590. Portal
  2591. Positioning context
  2592. POSSE
  2593. Post mortem
  2594. Post mortem analysis
  2595. Post Office Protocol
  2596. PostCSS
  2597. Postel’s Law
  2598. Postfix
  2599. POUR
  2600. POV
  2601. POW
  2602. PowerShell
  2603. PPC
  2604. PQ
  2605. PR
  2606. Pre-production environment
  2607. Preact
  2608. Predication
  2609. Preferred style sheet
  2610. Prefetching
  2611. Premature optimization
  2612. Prerendering
  2613. Presentation
  2614. Presentation MathML
  2615. Presto
  2616. Primary key
  2617. Primitive
  2618. Princeton architecture
  2619. Principal
  2620. Principal box
  2621. Principle of Least Astonishment
  2622. Principle of Least Authority
  2623. Principle of Least Knowledge
  2624. Principle of Least Privilege
  2625. Principle of Least Surprise
  2626. Principle of Minimal Privilege
  2627. Print style sheet
  2628. Priority queue
  2629. Prisma
  2630. Privacy
  2631. Privacy by design
  2632. Privacy Sandbox
  2633. Privilege escalation
  2634. PRNG
  2635. Proactive monitoring
  2636. Processing instruction
  2637. Product backlog
  2638. Product backlog item
  2639. Product owner
  2640. Production
  2641. Production environment
  2642. Program stack
  2643. Programmer
  2644. Programming
  2645. Programming in the large
  2646. Programming in the small
  2647. Programming language
  2648. Programming language theory
  2649. Progressive enhancement
  2650. Progressive font enrichment
  2651. Progressive hydration
  2652. Progressive JPEG
  2653. Progressive rendering
  2654. Progressive web app
  2655. Project IDX
  2656. Project Object Model
  2657. Prometheus
  2658. Promise
  2659. Prompt injection attack
  2660. Proof of concept
  2661. Proof of principle
  2662. Proof of value
  2663. Prop
  2664. Prop drilling
  2665. Property
  2666. Protocol
  2667. Prototype
  2668. Prototype chain
  2669. Prototype pattern
  2670. Prototype pollution attack
  2671. Prototyping
  2672. Proxy
  2673. Proxy server
  2674. PRPL
  2675. Pseudo-class
  2676. Pseudo-code
  2677. Pseudo-element
  2678. Pseudo-random number generator
  2679. PSON
  2680. PTR
  2681. Public Key Cryptography Standards
  2682. Public key infrastructure
  2683. Publish (on your) own site, syndicate elsewhere
  2684. Pull request
  2685. Punycode
  2686. Puppet
  2687. Puppeteer
  2688. Push notification
  2689. Push technology
  2690. Push, render, pre-cache, lazy-load
  2691. PV
  2692. PWA
  2693. Python
  2694. QA
  2695. QC
  2696. qem
  2697. qooxdoo
  2698. QPS
  2699. QRNG
  2700. Quality
  2701. Quality assistance
  2702. Quality assurance
  2703. Quality control
  2704. Quantity query
  2705. Quantum random number generator
  2706. Queries per second
  2707. Query
  2708. Query language
  2709. Queue
  2710. QUIC
  2711. Quick UDP Internet Connections
  2712. Quirks mode
  2713. RAB
  2714. Rabin–Karp algorithm
  2715. Race condition
  2716. Race hazard
  2717. RACI matrix
  2718. RAD
  2719. RADIUS
  2720. Radix
  2721. Radix sort
  2722. Radix UI
  2723. RAG
  2724. Rails
  2725. Raku
  2726. RAM
  2727. Random number generation
  2728. Random number generator
  2729. Random variable
  2730. Random-access memory
  2731. Ranking
  2732. Rapid application building
  2733. Rapid application development
  2734. Rapid prototyping
  2735. Raster image
  2736. Rate limiting
  2737. Rax
  2738. RBAC
  2739. RBL
  2740. RCA
  2741. RCDATA
  2742. RCE
  2743. RCS
  2744. RDBMS
  2745. RDF
  2746. RDF Schema
  2747. RDF Site Summary
  2748. RDF-S
  2749. RDFa
  2750. RDFS
  2751. RDP
  2752. RDSMS
  2753. React
  2754. React Native
  2755. Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
  2756. Reactive Manifesto
  2757. Reactive programming
  2758. ReactJS
  2759. Read the fucking manual
  2760. Readability
  2761. Reading disorder
  2762. README
  2763. Read–Eval–Print Loop
  2764. Real user monitoring
  2765. Real-time blackhole list
  2766. RealAudio
  2767. Really Simple Syndication
  2768. RealVideo
  2769. rebeccapurple
  2770. Recidivism
  2771. Recommendation
  2772. Record of intent
  2773. Recovery point objective
  2774. Recovery time objective
  2775. Recursion
  2776. Recursive hashing
  2777. Red, green, and blue
  2778. Redesign
  2779. Redirect
  2780. Redirect chain
  2781. Redundancy
  2782. Redux
  2783. Reed–Solomon codes
  2784. Refactoring
  2785. Reference error
  2786. Reference pixel
  2787. Referential opacity
  2788. Referential transparency
  2789. Referer
  2790. Referrer
  2791. Reflow
  2792. Regex
  2793. Registrar
  2794. Regular expression
  2795. Rehosting
  2796. Rehydration
  2797. Relational data stream management system
  2798. Relational database
  2799. Relational database management system
  2800. Relational model
  2801. Relative sizing
  2802. Relaunch
  2803. Release to Manufacturing
  2804. Release to the Web
  2805. Release train
  2806. Rem
  2807. Remix
  2808. Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
  2809. Remote code execution
  2810. Remote Desktop Protocol
  2811. Remote method invocation
  2812. Remote procedure call
  2813. Render tree
  2814. Renderer
  2815. Rendering
  2816. Rendering engine
  2817. RenderingNG
  2818. REP
  2819. Repeated-measures design
  2820. REPL
  2821. Replaceable character data
  2822. Replaced element
  2823. Replay attack
  2824. Repo
  2825. Repository
  2826. Representational State Transfer
  2827. Reputation management
  2828. Request
  2829. Request for Comments
  2830. Request header
  2831. Request method
  2832. Request-time render
  2833. Requests per second
  2834. RequireJS
  2835. Reset
  2836. Reset style sheet
  2837. Resolution
  2838. Resource Description Framework
  2839. Resource Description Framework in Attributes
  2840. Resource hints
  2841. Resource record
  2842. Response
  2843. Response header
  2844. Responsibility assignment matrix
  2845. Responsive design
  2846. Responsive Images Community Group
  2847. Responsive Issues Community Group
  2848. Responsive web design
  2849. Responsiveness
  2850. REST
  2851. Restricted production
  2852. Retained mode
  2853. Retrieval-augmented generation
  2854. Revalidation
  2855. Reverse DNS
  2856. Reverse domain name notation
  2857. Reverse proxy
  2858. Revision control
  2859. Revision control system
  2860. RFC
  2861. RGB
  2862. RIA
  2863. RIB
  2864. RICG
  2865. Rich Communication Services
  2866. Rich Internet application
  2867. Rich Site Summary
  2868. Rich Text Format
  2869. Rich web application
  2870. Right-to-left
  2871. Rights, openness, accessibility, multi-stakeholder participation, cross-cutting issues
  2872. Rijndael
  2873. RIRO
  2874. RMI
  2875. RNG
  2876. Roadmap
  2877. ROAM
  2878. ROAM-X
  2879. Robot
  2880. Robots Exclusion Protocol
  2881. Robots exclusion standard
  2882. robots.txt
  2883. Robustness Principle
  2884. Role-based access control
  2885. Role-based security
  2886. Rolling checksum
  2887. Rolling hash
  2888. Root
  2889. Root cause analysis
  2890. Root directory
  2891. Root element
  2892. Root em
  2893. Root name server
  2894. Root node
  2895. Root server
  2896. Root zone
  2897. Rooting
  2898. Round-Trip Delay Time
  2899. Round-Trip Time
  2900. Route
  2901. Route 53
  2902. Router
  2903. Routine
  2904. Routing
  2905. Routing information base
  2906. Routing table
  2907. RPC
  2908. RPM
  2909. RPM Package Manager
  2910. RPO
  2911. RPS
  2912. RR
  2913. RSS
  2914. RTD
  2915. RTF
  2916. RTFM
  2917. RTL
  2918. RTM
  2919. RTO
  2920. RTR
  2921. RTT
  2922. RTW
  2923. Rubber ducking
  2924. Rubbish in, rubbish out
  2925. Ruby
  2926. Ruby on Rails
  2927. RubyGems
  2928. Rule
  2929. Rule set
  2930. RUM
  2931. Runbook
  2932. Runtime
  2933. Runtime compilation
  2934. Runtime environment
  2935. Runtime stack
  2936. Runtime system
  2937. RWD
  2938. RxJS
  2939. S-expression
  2940. S3
  2941. SaaS
  2942. Safari
  2943. SAFe
  2944. SAK
  2945. Samba
  2946. Same origin
  2947. Same-origin policy
  2948. SAML
  2949. SAN
  2950. Sandbox
  2951. Sanitization
  2952. sans-serif
  2953. SAP User Interface for HTML5
  2954. SAPUI5
  2955. Sass
  2956. SassScript
  2957. SAST
  2958. SAX
  2959. SBML
  2960. Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
  2961. Scalable Vector Graphics
  2962. Scalar
  2963. Scaled Agile Framework
  2964. Scaled Scrum
  2965. Schema stitching
  2966. SCM
  2967. Scope
  2968. Scoped styles
  2969. Screen magnifier
  2970. Screen reader
  2971. Screenshot testing
  2972. SCRIPT
  2973. Script
  2974. Scripting language
  2975. Scroll Snap
  2976. Scrolling
  2977. Scrollport
  2978. Scrum
  2979. Scrum master
  2980. Scrum of Scrums
  2981. Scrum team
  2982. Scrum values
  2983. SCSS
  2984. SDE
  2985. SDK
  2986. SDLC
  2987. SDP
  2988. SEA
  2989. SeaMonkey
  2990. Search engine advertising
  2991. Search engine indexing
  2992. Search engine marketing
  2993. Search engine optimization
  2994. Search engine results page
  2995. Searching
  2996. Second normal form
  2997. Second Rule of ARIA
  2998. Section 508
  2999. Sectioning content
  3000. Secure context
  3001. Secure Shell
  3002. Secure Sockets Layer
  3003. Security
  3004. Security Assertion Markup Language
  3005. Security hacker
  3006. Security operations center
  3007. Security principal
  3008. Security token
  3009. security.txt
  3010. sed
  3011. Segregation of duties
  3012. Selector
  3013. Selenium
  3014. Self-contained action
  3015. SEM
  3016. Semantic Versioning
  3017. Semantic Web
  3018. Semantically Interlinked Online Communities
  3019. Semantics
  3020. SemVer
  3021. Sender Policy Framework
  3022. SEO
  3023. Separation of Concerns
  3024. Separation of duties
  3025. Serializability
  3026. Serialization
  3027. Serialization agreement
  3028. Serif
  3029. serif
  3030. SERP
  3031. Server
  3032. Server cluster
  3033. Server farm
  3034. Server logs
  3035. Server Name Indication
  3036. Server push
  3037. Server side
  3038. Server-side rendering
  3039. ServerJS
  3040. Serverless computing
  3041. Service discovery
  3042. Service discovery protocol
  3043. Service level agreement
  3044. Service level expectation
  3045. Service level indicator
  3046. Service level objective
  3047. Service Statelessness Principle
  3048. Service worker
  3049. Service-oriented architecture
  3050. Servlet
  3051. Session
  3052. Session affinity
  3053. Session hijacking
  3054. Session storage
  3055. Set
  3056. sexp
  3057. SFTP
  3058. SGML
  3059. Shadow DOM
  3060. Shadow host
  3061. Shadow IT
  3062. Shadow root
  3063. Shadow tree
  3064. Shape Up
  3065. Shard
  3066. Shard key
  3067. Sharding
  3068. Shared hosting
  3069. Shared tenancy
  3070. Shared worker
  3071. Shebang
  3072. Shell
  3073. Shim
  3074. Shockwave Flash
  3075. Shopping cart
  3076. Shortcut icon
  3077. Shorthand
  3078. SI
  3079. Siamese twins document
  3080. SIG
  3081. SIGHUP
  3082. Sign-in
  3083. Sign-on
  3084. Signed HTTP Exchanges
  3085. Silk
  3086. Silverlight
  3087. SIMD
  3088. Simple API for XML
  3089. Simple Knowledge Organization System
  3090. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  3091. Simple Object Access Protocol
  3092. Single instruction, multiple data
  3093. Single instruction, single data
  3094. Single point of failure
  3095. Single Responsibility Principle
  3096. Single-page application
  3097. Single-serving site
  3098. Singularity
  3099. SIOC
  3100. SISD
  3101. Site
  3102. Site isolation
  3103. Site map
  3104. Sitemaps
  3105. Skeleton screen
  3106. Sketch
  3107. Skia
  3108. Skin
  3109. Skip navigation
  3110. SKOS
  3111. SLA
  3112. SLE
  3113. SLI
  3114. Sliding Doors
  3115. Slim client
  3116. SLO
  3117. SLOC
  3118. Sloppy mode
  3119. Slot
  3120. Slowloris
  3121. Slug
  3122. SMACSS
  3123. Small integer
  3124. Small viewport
  3125. Smalltalk
  3126. Smashing Magazine
  3127. SME
  3128. Smi
  3129. SMIL
  3130. Smishing
  3131. Smoke testing
  3132. SMTP
  3133. Snake case
  3134. Snap position
  3135. SNI
  3136. Snowflake server
  3137. Snowpack
  3138. SOA
  3139. SOAP
  3140. SOC
  3141. Social engineering
  3142. Social Linked Data
  3143. Social Web
  3144. SOD
  3145. Soft launch
  3146. Soft opening
  3147. Software
  3148. Software as a service
  3149. Software crisis
  3150. Software developer
  3151. Software development
  3152. Software development engineer
  3153. Software development environment
  3154. Software development kit
  3155. Software development lifecycle
  3156. Software engineer
  3157. Software framework
  3158. Software modernization
  3159. Software release train
  3160. Software stack
  3161. Software testing
  3162. SOLID
  3163. Solid
  3164. Solid project
  3165. Solid Protocol
  3166. Solution stack
  3167. SOP
  3168. Sorting
  3169. Source code compatibility
  3170. Source code management
  3171. Source compatibility
  3172. Source control management
  3173. Source lines of code
  3174. Source map
  3175. SPA
  3176. Spacer
  3177. Space–time tradeoff
  3178. Spaghetti code
  3179. Spam
  3180. Spamdexing
  3181. Spamming
  3182. Spatial anti-aliasing
  3183. SPDY
  3184. Spec
  3185. Specification
  3186. Specificity
  3187. Spectre
  3188. Speech synthesis
  3189. Speed Index
  3190. Speed of service
  3191. SPF
  3192. Spider
  3193. Spider trap
  3194. SpiderMonkey
  3195. Spike
  3196. Spinner
  3197. Splash screen
  3198. SPOF
  3199. Spoofing
  3200. Spread
  3201. Sprint
  3202. Sprint goal
  3203. Sprite
  3204. SproutCore
  3205. SQL
  3206. SQL injection
  3207. SQLite
  3208. SQS
  3209. Squad
  3210. Squarespace
  3211. Squint test
  3212. src
  3213. sRGB
  3214. SRI
  3215. SRP
  3216. SRV
  3217. SSG
  3218. SSH
  3219. SSH File Transfer Protocol
  3220. SSIM
  3221. SSL
  3222. SSR
  3223. SSS
  3224. Stack
  3225. Stack frame
  3226. Stack level
  3227. Stack Overflow
  3228. Stacking context
  3229. Staging
  3230. Staging environment
  3231. Stand-up
  3232. Standard
  3233. Standard Generalized Markup Language
  3234. standard Red Green Blue
  3235. Standards mode
  3236. Standby redundancy
  3237. Star
  3238. Star hack
  3239. Start of authority
  3240. Start page
  3241. Start tag
  3242. State
  3243. State management
  3244. Statement
  3245. Statement coverage
  3246. Static application security testing
  3247. Static scope
  3248. Static site generation
  3249. Static site generator
  3250. Static website
  3251. Status code
  3252. STFW
  3253. Sticky session
  3254. Stimulus
  3255. Storage
  3256. Storage area network
  3257. Storage engine
  3258. Storybook
  3259. STP
  3260. Strada
  3261. Strategy pattern
  3262. Stream
  3263. Stream editor
  3264. Streaming media
  3265. Strict evaluation
  3266. Strict mode
  3267. String
  3268. String interpolation
  3269. Strong character
  3270. Structural similarity index measure
  3271. Structure
  3272. Structured data
  3273. Structured data entity
  3274. Structured Query Language
  3275. Stub
  3276. Style guide
  3277. Style query
  3278. Style rule
  3279. Style sheet
  3280. Styled component
  3281. styled-components
  3282. Stylelint
  3283. Styling
  3284. Stylus
  3285. Subject Alternative Name
  3286. Subject-matter expert
  3287. Submodule
  3288. Subnav
  3289. Subnavigation
  3290. Subnet
  3291. Subnet mask
  3292. Subnetwork
  3293. Subpixel rendering
  3294. Subresource Integrity
  3295. Subroutine
  3296. Subsetting
  3297. Subversion
  3298. SUIT CSS
  3299. Superkey
  3300. Superuser
  3301. Supply chain attack
  3302. Support
  3303. Surface Web
  3304. Surfing
  3305. Surrogate key
  3306. SVG
  3307. SVN
  3308. Swagger
  3309. Swagger Specification
  3310. Switchover
  3311. SXG
  3312. Symbol
  3313. Symbolic expression
  3314. Symbolication
  3315. Symfony
  3316. SYN
  3317. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
  3318. Synchronizer token pattern
  3319. Synchronous
  3320. Syndication
  3321. Syntactic sugar
  3322. Syntax
  3323. Syntax analysis
  3324. Synthetic monitoring
  3325. syslog
  3326. Systems Biology Markup Language
  3327. T3 stack
  3328. T4 app
  3329. T4 stack
  3330. Tab
  3331. Tab icon
  3332. Tabbed document interface
  3333. Table box
  3334. Table formatting context
  3335. Tabnabbing
  3336. Tabular data
  3337. Tachyons
  3338. TAG
  3339. Tag
  3340. Tag management system
  3341. Tag soup
  3342. Tagging
  3343. Tail call
  3344. Tail call elimination
  3345. Tail call optimization
  3346. Tailoring
  3347. Tailwind
  3348. Tailwind CSS
  3349. TalkBack
  3350. tar
  3351. Tarball
  3352. TBT
  3353. Tcl
  3354. TCO
  3355. TCP
  3356. TDD
  3357. TDI
  3358. TDZ
  3359. Tech lead
  3360. Tech stack
  3361. Tech Twitter
  3362. Technical and organizational measure
  3363. Technical Architecture Group
  3364. Technical debt
  3365. Technical key
  3366. Technical lead
  3367. Technical program manager
  3368. Technical standard
  3369. Technological protection measures
  3370. Technological singularity
  3371. Technology debt
  3372. Telnet
  3373. Template
  3374. Template engine
  3375. Template language
  3376. Template literals
  3377. Template processor
  3378. Template strings
  3379. Template system
  3380. Templating language
  3381. Temporal dead zone
  3382. Temporary storage
  3383. Ten-Second Rule
  3384. Terminal
  3385. Ternary operator
  3386. Tesler’s Law
  3387. Test coverage
  3388. Test pyramid
  3389. Test-driven development
  3390. Testing
  3391. TeX
  3392. Text-based web browser
  3393. Text-to-speech
  3394. Textile
  3395. The Million Dollar Homepage
  3396. The Noflake Manifesto
  3397. The Onion Router
  3398. The Open Group Architecture Framework
  3399. Theme
  3400. Thin client
  3401. Third normal form
  3402. Third party
  3403. Third Rule of ARIA
  3404. this
  3405. Thread
  3406. Three-Click Rule
  3407. TIL
  3408. Time box
  3409. Time series database
  3410. Time to First Byte
  3411. Time to Interactive
  3412. Time to Live
  3413. Time-based one-time password
  3414. Timed text
  3415. Timestamp
  3416. Time–memory tradeoff
  3417. Timing attack
  3418. tink
  3419. Tiny integer
  3420. Tizen
  3421. TL
  3422. TLB
  3423. TLD
  3424. TLS
  3425. TLS Certificate Status Request extension
  3426. TM
  3427. TMS
  3428. TMTO
  3429. To-do
  3430. Toast
  3431. Todo
  3432. TOFU
  3433. TOGAF
  3434. Token
  3435. Token authentication
  3436. Tokenization
  3437. TOM
  3438. Tomcat
  3439. TOML
  3440. Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language
  3441. Tooling
  3442. Top-level domain
  3443. Top-posting
  3444. TOP500
  3445. Top–down design
  3446. Tor
  3447. Tor Browser
  3448. Tor network
  3449. Tor Project
  3450. Total Blocking Time
  3451. Total productive maintenance
  3452. Total quality management
  3453. TOTP
  3454. Tour of duty
  3455. TPM
  3456. TPS
  3457. TQM
  3458. Tracer code
  3459. Tracing
  3460. Tracking
  3461. Tracking pixel
  3462. Trade
  3463. Traffic spike
  3464. Transactions per second
  3465. Transclusion
  3466. Transcompiler
  3467. Transcreation
  3468. Transcript
  3469. Transitional app
  3470. Translation lookaside buffer
  3471. Translation management system
  3472. Translation memory
  3473. Transmission Control Protocol
  3474. Transpiler
  3475. Transport Layer Security
  3476. Travis CI
  3477. Tree
  3478. Tree shaking
  3479. Tree traversal
  3480. Triadic colors
  3481. Trident
  3482. Trie
  3483. TRNG
  3484. Trojan horse
  3485. Truck factor
  3486. True random number generator
  3487. TrueDoc
  3488. TrueType
  3489. Trunk-based development
  3490. Trust on first use
  3491. Trust upon first use
  3492. Trusted Types
  3493. TrustRank
  3494. try
  3495. try…catch
  3496. TSDB
  3497. TSDoc
  3498. TTF
  3499. TTFB
  3500. TTI
  3501. TTL
  3502. TTS
  3503. TUFU
  3504. Turbo
  3505. Turbo mode
  3506. Turbo pages
  3507. Turing completeness
  3508. Two-factor authentication
  3509. TXT
  3510. Type
  3511. Type assertion
  3512. Type casting
  3513. Type coercion
  3514. Type conversion
  3515. Type design
  3516. Type grinding
  3517. Type I error
  3518. Type II error
  3519. Type juggling
  3520. Type predicate
  3521. Type predicate function
  3522. Type selector
  3523. Type system
  3524. Typeface
  3525. TypeScript
  3526. TYPO3
  3527. Typography
  3528. Typosquatting
  3529. Typosquatting attack
  3530. UA
  3531. UA string
  3532. UAAG
  3533. UAT
  3534. UBA
  3535. UBE
  3536. UC Browser
  3537. UCD
  3538. UCS
  3539. UDD
  3540. UDJO
  3541. UDP
  3542. UDP flood attack
  3543. UGC
  3544. Uglification
  3545. UI
  3546. UI framework
  3547. UI redressing
  3548. UIML
  3549. UKM
  3550. UMD
  3551. UML
  3552. undefined
  3553. Underscore hack
  3554. Unicode
  3555. Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
  3556. Unicode Consortium
  3557. Unicode standard
  3558. Unified Modeling Language
  3559. Uniform Resource Characteristic
  3560. Uniform Resource Identifier
  3561. Uniform Resource Locator
  3562. Uniform Resource Name
  3563. Uninitialized pointer
  3564. Uninitialized variable
  3565. Union type
  3566. Unique selling point
  3567. Unique selling proposition
  3568. Unique value proposition
  3569. Unit testing
  3570. Universal Access
  3571. Universal Coded Character Set
  3572. Universal cross-site scripting
  3573. Universal design
  3574. Universal Module Definition
  3575. Universal selector
  3576. Universal XSS
  3577. Universally unique identifier
  3578. Uniwidth typeface
  3579. Unix
  3580. Unix philosophy
  3581. Unix time
  3582. Unsolicited bulk email
  3583. Unstoppable domain
  3584. UPA
  3585. Upsert
  3586. Upstream
  3587. URC
  3588. Urchin Tracking Module
  3589. URI
  3590. URL
  3591. URL encoding
  3592. URL forwarding
  3593. URL redirection
  3594. URL slug
  3595. URL-keyed metrics
  3596. URN
  3597. US-ASCII
  3598. Usability
  3599. Usability inspection
  3600. Usability Professionals Association
  3601. Usability testing
  3602. Usenet
  3603. User
  3604. User acceptance testing
  3605. User agent
  3606. User Agent Accessibility Guidelines
  3607. User agent sniffing
  3608. User agent string
  3609. User Datagram Protocol
  3610. User experience
  3611. User Experience Professionals Association
  3612. User interface
  3613. User interface markup language
  3614. User JavaScript
  3615. User story
  3616. User testing
  3617. User-centered design
  3618. User-driven development
  3619. User-generated content
  3620. Userscript
  3621. Uses page
  3622. Using declarations just once
  3623. USP
  3624. UTC
  3625. UTC offset
  3626. UTF-16
  3627. UTF-32
  3628. UTF-8
  3629. Utility class
  3630. UTM
  3631. UUID
  3632. UVP
  3633. UX
  3634. UXPA
  3635. UXSS
  3636. Validation
  3637. Validator
  3638. Value
  3639. Value-driven design
  3640. Variable
  3641. Variable expansion
  3642. Variable font
  3643. Variable interpolation
  3644. Variable scope
  3645. Variable substitution
  3646. Variable-length quantity
  3647. Variable-length subnet mask
  3648. Variadic function
  3649. VBA
  3650. VDD
  3651. VDS
  3652. Vector image
  3653. Velocity
  3654. Vendor prefix
  3655. Verification
  3656. Version control
  3657. Versioning
  3658. Vertical database model
  3659. Vertical scaling
  3660. VI
  3661. vi
  3662. Viewport
  3663. Vim
  3664. VIP
  3665. Virtual dedicated server
  3666. Virtual inheritance
  3667. Virtual LAN
  3668. Virtual machine
  3669. Virtual machine manager
  3670. Virtual machine monitor
  3671. Virtual mode
  3672. Virtual private cloud
  3673. Virtual private network
  3674. Virtual private server
  3675. Virtual reality
  3676. Virtualization
  3677. Virtualizer
  3678. Vishing
  3679. Visual Basic for Applications
  3680. Visual formatting model
  3681. Visual impairment
  3682. Visual regression testing
  3683. Visual Studio Code
  3684. Visual viewport
  3685. Vite
  3686. VLAN
  3687. VLQ
  3688. VLSM
  3689. VM
  3690. VMM
  3691. Voice over IP
  3692. Voice phishing
  3693. Voice user interface
  3694. VoiceOver
  3695. VoiceXML
  3696. Void element
  3697. VoIP
  3698. Voluntary Product Accessibility Template
  3699. von Neumann architecture
  3700. von Neumann model
  3701. VPAT
  3702. VPC
  3703. VPN
  3704. VPS
  3705. VR
  3706. VRT
  3707. VS Code
  3708. Vue
  3709. Vue.js
  3710. VuePress
  3711. Vuetify
  3712. Vuex
  3713. VUI
  3714. W3C
  3715. w3m
  3716. WAF
  3717. WAI
  3718. WAI–ARIA
  3719. Walking the tree
  3720. WAMP
  3721. WAN
  3722. WAP
  3723. WAR
  3724. Wasm
  3725. WaSP
  3726. Wasp
  3727. WAT
  3728. Waterfall
  3729. WAU
  3730. WCAG
  3731. WCAG Samurai
  3732. WCM
  3733. WCMS
  3734. WDLC
  3735. Weak character
  3736. Weak code ownership
  3737. Web Accessibility Initiative
  3738. Web address
  3739. Web Almanac
  3740. Web analytics
  3741. Web app
  3742. Web application
  3743. Web application archive
  3744. Web application firewall
  3745. Web application framework
  3746. Web application specification language
  3747. Web beacon
  3748. Web browser
  3749. Web bug
  3750. Web Bundles
  3751. Web cache
  3752. Web component
  3753. Web content
  3754. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
  3755. Web content management system
  3756. Web design
  3757. Web development
  3758. Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning
  3759. Web feed
  3760. Web font
  3761. Web forms
  3762. Web framework
  3763. Web Graphics Library
  3764. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
  3765. Web IDL
  3766. Web Incubator Community Group
  3767. Web indexing
  3768. Web Ontology Language
  3769. Web Open Font Format
  3770. Web Packaging
  3771. Web page
  3772. Web performance
  3773. Web performance optimization
  3774. Web platform
  3775. Web Platform Baseline
  3776. Web Platform Incubator Community Group
  3777. Web Real-Time Communication
  3778. Web resource
  3779. Web service
  3780. Web service application programming interface
  3781. Web Services Business Process Execution Language
  3782. Web site
  3783. Web standard
  3784. Web standards movement
  3785. Web Standards Project
  3786. Web storage
  3787. Web tracking
  3788. Web traffic
  3789. Web typography
  3790. Web Video Text Tracks
  3791. Web Vitals
  3792. Web worker
  3793. Web-Interoperable Runtimes Community Group
  3794. Web3
  3795. Webalizer
  3796. WebAssembly
  3797. WebAssembly text format
  3798. WebAuthn
  3799. WebDAV
  3800. WebDriver
  3801. WebDriver BiDi
  3802. WebExplorer
  3803. WebFTP
  3804. WebGL
  3805. Webhook
  3806. WebKit
  3807. Webkrauts
  3808. Weblog
  3809. WebM
  3810. Webmaster
  3811. Webmention
  3812. WebP
  3813. Webpack
  3814. WebPageTest
  3815. Webring
  3816. WebRTC
  3817. Website
  3818. Website application programming interface
  3819. Website development lifecycle
  3820. WebSocket
  3821. WebStorm
  3822. WebView
  3823. WebVTT
  3824. Web 2.0
  3825. Web 3.0
  3826. WeChat Mini Program
  3827. Weebly
  3828. Weekly Active Users
  3829. Weex
  3830. WeiXin Markup Language
  3831. WeiXin Script
  3832. WeiXin Style Sheets
  3833. Well-formedness
  3834. WET
  3835. Wget
  3836. What you see is all you get
  3837. What you see is what you get
  3838. WHATWG
  3839. while
  3840. White-box testing
  3841. Whitelist
  3842. Whitespace
  3843. WHOIS
  3844. WICG
  3845. Wide area network
  3846. Widow
  3847. Wiki
  3848. Window-Eyes
  3849. Windows
  3850. Windows Aero
  3851. Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python
  3852. WinSock File Transfer Protocol
  3853. WinterCG
  3854. WIP
  3855. Wiper
  3856. Wireframe
  3857. Wireless Application Protocol
  3858. Wireless Markup Language
  3859. Within-subjects design
  3860. Wix
  3861. WLM
  3862. WML
  3863. Wobbly Transformation Format 8-Bit
  3864. WOFF
  3865. WORA
  3866. WordPress
  3867. WordPress theme
  3868. Work in progress
  3869. Workaround
  3870. Workbox
  3871. Working Draft
  3872. Worklet
  3873. Workload management
  3874. World Wide Web
  3875. World Wide Web Consortium
  3876. WorldWideWeb
  3877. WPO
  3878. Wrapper
  3879. Write once, run anywhere
  3880. writing-mode
  3881. WS-BPEL
  3882. WSAPI
  3883. WSFTP
  3884. WTF-8
  3885. WWW
  3886. WXML
  3887. WXS
  3888. WXSS
  3889. WYSIAYG
  3890. WYSIWYG
  3891. x-height
  3892. X.509
  3893. XAML
  3894. XBL
  3895. XForms
  3896. XHL
  3897. XHP
  3898. XHR
  3899. XHTML
  3900. XLink
  3901. XML
  3902. XML Binding Language
  3903. XML external entity attack
  3904. XML Information Set
  3905. XML Infoset
  3906. XML Schema Definition
  3907. XML User Interface Language
  3908. XML-RPC
  3909. XMLHttpRequest
  3910. XP
  3911. XPath
  3912. XPointer
  3913. XQuery
  3914. XR
  3915. XSD
  3916. XSL
  3917. XSLT
  3918. XSRF
  3919. XSS
  3920. XSSI
  3921. XUL
  3922. XXE attack
  3923. Y2K
  3924. YAGNI
  3925. Yahoo Developer Network
  3926. Yahoo Query Language
  3927. Yahoo User Interface
  3928. Yahoo User Interface Library
  3929. YAML
  3930. YAML Ain’t Markup Language
  3931. Yandex Browser
  3932. Yarn
  3933. yarn.lock
  3934. YDN
  3935. Year 2000 problem
  3936. Yellowdog Updater, Modified
  3937. Yet Another Multicolumn Layout
  3938. yield
  3939. YMYL
  3940. You Aren’t Gonna Need It
  3941. Your Money or Your Life
  3942. YQL
  3943. YSlow
  3944. YUI
  3945. yum
  3946. Z shell
  3947. Zen Coding
  3948. Zero-based indexing
  3949. Zero-configuration networking
  3950. Zero-indexed
  3951. Zeroconf
  3952. Zeus Web Server
  3953. ZIP
  3954. Zombie cookie
  3955. Zone file
  3956. Zone offset
  3957. Zsh
  3958. ZWS