
Contact and Legal Notice

Contact Information

c/o Jens Oliver Meiert
Apartado de correos 3
36070 Pontevedra

Email info@webglossary.info
Telephone +34-610859489

Legal Notice

Responsible for editorial contents (but not for linked websites): Jens Oliver Meiert.

All information is subject to change.

As with the underlying book, while this website has been produced with great care, the publisher and contributors assume no liability for the up-to-dateness, correctness, and completeness of the information provided. Liability claims based on the use or non-use of this information are excluded, unless publisher or contributors can be proven to have acted with intent or gross negligence. Use of the information on this website is on your own responsibility. When using code or content subject to open-source licenses or the rights of others, it is on you to ensure compliance with the respective licenses and rights.


The Web Development Glossary 3K and all explanations on WebGlossary.info are licensed under a CC BY–SA 4.0 license.

Many explanations build on Wikipedia. They are marked “Wikipedia.” The original material is licensed under a CC BY–SA 3.0 license.

Other explanations build on MDN Web Docs, by Mozilla contributors. They are marked “MDN Web Docs.” The original material is licensed under a CC BY–SA 2.5 license.

A few explanations build on the HTML Living Standard. They are marked “HTML.” The original material is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.

All original material has been shortened and edited.

Artificial Intelligence

In general, no content on this website is generated by so-called artificial intelligence (AI). Any exceptions are noted.


Responsible for data protection, particularly in terms of European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Jens Oliver Meiert.

Similar to other privacy policies, this policy makes use of a rather formal language. You’re still most welcome on this website.

As the provider of this website, we generally don’t want any data. Apart from legal requirements, this policy is needed because of factors outside of our control, as with server logs our hosting provider stores or needs to store.

Your Rights

Using the contact data provided you can at any time exercise the following rights:

You can at any time revoke your consent.

You can also at any time file a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge.

Purposes of Data Processing

We process any personally identifiable information only to the purposes listed in this policy. There’s no transfer of your personal data other than for the purposes mentioned. We transfer any of your personal data only if

Detention or Deletion of Data

We adhere to the principles of data reduction and frugality. We only store data for as long as it’s necessary for the purposes mentioned or as legal retention periods require. Once purposes or retention periods cease to apply, the data get blocked or removed pursuant to the applicable legal provisions.


For data protection reasons your data are encrypted using TLS, and transferred via HTTPS.

Server Logs

The hosting provider of this website, ALL-INKL.COM, collects and stores some information transferred by your browser in so-called server log files. This information includes:

We’ve signed a data processing agreement with ALL-INKL.COM, requiring ALL-INKL.COM to protect our users’ data and not hand over data to third parties.

The data are not combined or merged with other sources of data.

Processing of the data happens pursuant to Art. 6 ¶ 1 (f) GDPR, allowing the processing of data for the purposes of contractual compliance.

In the server statistics available to us, IP addresses are anonymized and log files get deleted after 30 days.


When you contact us through email, your inquiry and the information provided are stored in order to process and follow up on the inquiry. The data are not handed over to third parties without your consent.

Processing of the data contained in the email happens pursuant to your permission (Art. 6 ¶ 1 (a) GDPR). You can withdraw your consent at any time, for example through an email to us. The withdrawal does not affect the legal validity of processing of the data.

The data provided are stored until you ask us to delete the data, revoke your consent to store the data, or until the purpose for storing the data falls away. This does not overrule any applicable legal requirements, as with retention periods.

We use Gmail and Proton Mail for email, each additionally secured with two-factor authentication. Please refer to Google’s and Proton’s privacy policies for details.


To improve the performance of this website and the experience using it, files like images, style sheets, and scripts are provided through the Amazon CloudFront content delivery network (CDN) by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS may store data related to this use. Please refer to the AWS privacy policy for details.

Search functionality on this website relies on Google’s Programmable Search Engine. When searching, you leave this website and Google may store data related to this use. Please refer to Google’s privacy policy for details.

Sporadically, this website uses Sentry in order to check for compliance with security policies. This is both for the general security of your data as well as for the enforcement of provisions made in this document, and it happens only sporadically to balance security and privacy. Similar to other external services, for details on how Sentry works with data, please refer to Sentry’s privacy policy.


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy in order to comply with legal requirements and to reflect changes to our website and services. For your later visits to this website, the respective current privacy policy applies.


If you have questions related to the privacy and protection of your data, please email us or contact the person responsible for data protection: Jens Oliver Meiert (contact data above).

The European Commission provides a settlement platform for online disputes, as per Art. 14 ¶ 1 Regulation on Consumer Online Dispute Resolution.